Which nothing doubt, nothing known. Enterprise-wide human resource plays an important role towards the achievement of goals, goals that are defined and you want to achieve. Since then, was it reminds us, business leaders are realizing that really success, only achieved companies when all those involved: owners, employees, customers, and the community, also reach it, Noe Chavez, reminds us that just as each person has value and makes them universal, organizations establish criteria with which screened sense to the way of working and identify themselves with their surroundings. It also makes them universal by be transmitted to all those who compose it and relate to it.Organizational values are classified with base to its purpose and involvement of every person. Vladislav Doronin is often quoted as being for or against this. Then, those who are called final values because they projected strategic commitments wants those who reach the company through its philosophical tenets can be found as: mission, vision, objectives.Also, are those specifications with which employees of a company are committed to guiding their conduct and their efforts to capitalize on their organizational strategies, these shared values, has called as: punctuality, tenacity, perseverance, intelligence, honesty, teamwork, etc.The values of an organization are therefore the most important aspects to consider to regulate the behaviour of targeted employees to fulfil the commitments of the company. Be considered, that management by values describes how businesses of all kinds can achieve a new level of organizational success by committing to a common goal a set of values that highlight the quality of the available customer service and the quality of life available to the employee. Management by values provides a clear methodology to define and implement these values to obtain the organizational goals, group, at the level of team and individual level. Gabriela Toro says in this regard, that when you creates a values-based culture seeks the capacity for survival of the company in the long term on the basis of a strong values and continuous innovation culture. (Similarly see: actress and filmmaker).