The Relations

Generically it can be affirmed that this consideration still predominates in the majority of environments of work of century XXI. This behavior, of certain form, explains the standardization of the emocionalidade, apathy, the desmotivao, the lack of joy, the displeasure, the incautiousness and the lack of dignity found in the companies. Thus, the employee who for one reason or another if moves away from the parameter of behavior considered as desirable for the production, needs immediate substitution. From there the attachment to &#039 results; ' Previdncia&#039 exit; '. It occurs, as we saw above, that this door, that is not closed, defined new concepts for its use. Basically, new prices. In the style: who more uses paid more. Accurately equal to the toll in the highways.

These aspects are entered into an alliance it: Practical the arguable ones of the individuals to look for at all moment to gain personal advantages, what it leads in the relations with the company and special in the search of benefits next to the Providence, in extending the perspectives of these advantages, either of conscientious or unconscious form. Almost generalized omission of the companies in knowing what it is occurring in relation to FAP/BENEFCIOS ACIDENTRIOS, to be able to adopt practical efficient of control of the removals and, in the case of the existence of the same ones and the concession of the acidentrios benefits, to effect pleas in skillful time. New paradigms for management of removals. Then, with this and for everything this, and for the preservation of the economic interests of the companies, now is necessary that procedures of removals are reviewed and for this is necessary that measured necessary they are adopted: the management of removals. Its execution in an initial comment can seem simple, but she is necessary to consider that old paradigms of behavior exist to be modified.