
The day indicated for consecrating tarot cards is Monday, it is the day that is ruled by the moon, the star that rules intuition and clairvoyance. There must be a quiet place so that no one will stop, pick up the phone and turn off the phone. source: The day indicated for consecrating tarot cards is Monday, it is the day that is ruled by the moon, the star that rules intuition and clairvoyance. There must be a quiet place so that no one will stop, pick up the phone and turn off the phone. At one table a white cloth extend or lilac. We will need the four elements: A stick of incense, which represents the air element, a white candle to the fire element, a plate of earth that represent the earth element, and a glass of water a symbol of the element of water. We will sit in a chair without crossing your legs or arms, so that energy flows throughout our body.

We’ll take the deck of tarot cards and go over the heads of each of the four elements, forming three circles in direction of clockwise. Then keep the deck about 3 minutes over front Chakra (located at the center of our forehead) to connect the deck with our intuition. Then keep the deck above your heart three minutes more, so that whenever we use the tarot is with love and for the benefit of the client. When we finished the wrap or will put it in a cloth or broker preferably white or lilac. Never let anyone touch or play with the deck, shuffle just may be the tarotista and the consultant.