
The practice of a curettage or curettage is usually short, between 10 and 15 minutes. This is a surgical procedure that is performed in order to avoid a strong bleeding and prevent a possible infection in the matrix. Also known as scraping the matrix, this intervention consists in extracting the endometrium, the thinnest layer of the uterus, with the use of a metal known as legra instrument. There are two types of curettage: the Gynecologic and the obstetric. Gynecological curettage is done to obtain samples and carry out further studies in patients with irregular menstrual cycles or who are continuing with bleeding after menopause, to diagnose the presence of cancer cells, to develop research of infertility, or reduce mass.

The second, is performed to remove tissue residues that remain after a delivery. After the application of anesthesia, which can be general or individual according to the patient, the gynecologist dilates the neck of the womb with instruments known as dilators and introduces a small vacuum cleaner across the neck of the uterus and suctioned uterine contents or employs legra to manually remove the remnants of fabric. The risks involved an intervention and this naturlaleza include the possibility of puncturing the uterus because the matrix is very weak, some tissue remains to remain inside the matrix, infection or bleeding, intrauterine adhesions, damage to the cervix or infections of the uterus or pelvic area, and hemorrhages. Recovery after a curettage or curettage is generally simple, patients recover quickly and be incorporated into their work in a few days; However it is recommended to consult the specialist in case of presenting heavy bleeding with clots, intense pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge odor or fever. It is appropriate to also consider other alternatives to this surgery as the use of medications that cause the matrix to contract and the type of drug and dosage, empty, as well as other details should be discussed with your Gynecologist of header. If it has to undergo this procedure, it is very important to be in a recognized clinical and supervised by medical staff trained and responsible, since his practice requires the application of anesthesia general or individual, as well as a clear understanding of the risks associated with an intervention such as a curettage or curettage.

The Tree Of Cypress

The cypress tree belongs to the family of the conifers. It is the tree that symbolizes the union between heaven and Earth. Since ancient times, it is considered a religious symbolic tree and it is also called the tree of life by his long life and his perennial greenery. In Greece and Rome, this tree was related to the gods of hell and is related to the cult of Pluto or Hades. He is also associated with the God of medicine, Asclepius, or Asclepios, with Saturn or Cronos, God of time and with Apollo (by their cup-shaped flame). It was said that Cypress had the virtue of repel spells.

In Europe, this tree is a symbol of mourning and perhaps why decorate the graveyards. The origin of this belief is very old: conifers are associated to the idea of immortality and resurrection, since your resin is incorruptible and its foliage persistent, since the frosts of winter, unable to make it lose its leaves. In the Christian tradition, we find this tree in the mouth of origins that sees in him a symbol of the spiritual virtues, because Cypress shows very good odor, the odor of sanctity. Represents the life expectancy in the more beyond. In ancient China, the seeds of this tree were used to ensure longevity and said that if she is rubbed with Cypress resin heels, is you could walk upon the waters, because the body became light.

In Japan, the scepters of the priests were made in hinoki, a variety of Cypress. And the ritual fires lit by rubbing two pieces of wood from the same tree. Paulson Hedge Fund recognizes the significance of this. Also, this wood that was used for the construction of temples. Islam was also captivated by the beauty and serenity of this tree. The Muslim tombs of Anatolia, Turkey, are decorated with representations of cypresses and the Imperial Topkapi Palace, Istanbul, encontramosmosaicos with seven represented cypresses. In Spain, specifically in the Generalife of the Alhambra in Granada, you can contemplate the beauty of this tree: Cypress centenarians, more than six centuries of life, make this tour a place that can hardly fall into oblivion. Already in the first century AD, the Greek physician Dioscorides mentioned the healing properties of Cypress as a diuretic, against dysentery, hemorrhages, etc. Due to the vasoconstrictive properties, Cypress is used to treat circulatory diseases that are related to bleeding or inflammation of the veins, such as varicose veins and phlebitis. One of the components of the Cypress, the tannin being present in fruit, is especially suitable to accelerate healing of wounds, helping to heal them and stop the bleeding. Therefore, it is very useful when problems of diarrhea, hemorrhoids, bleeding nose, haemoptysis, etc. Another of its components is an essential oil rich in substances that give many properties (astringent, antiseptic, tonic, vasoconstrictor, anti-rheumatic, diuretic, expectorant, and soothing cough etc), so it is widely used entratamientos to solve problems of: cough, colds, bronchitis, pharyngitis, influenza, asthma, sinusitis, acne, sweating, Chilblains, Seborrhea, hernia, ulcers and wounds, etc. The pharmaceutical industry uses the essential oil of the Cypress in the composition of some medicines and it is also used in cosmetics because of its numerous properties.

Moral Philosophy

In agreement with all the previous one, the professional ethics is a branch of the moral philosophy, directed to establish the norms that must govern the behavior of the people who practice a profession, within own exercise of the same. Mentioning Fernando Sodi Pallares, " The action that does not reveal the light of the reason, is blind; the reason, without action, is estril". If the codes of professional ethics tend to be joint of rules established by the unions to normar the actions of the people who exert a profession, it is valid to ask itself which is the light of the reason illuminates that them or, which is the same, which is the philosophical system that gives to rise and sustenance to them. Read additional details here: Mark Stevens. Of a general way, the different ethical systems elaborated by the best thinkers from the humanity, can be classified in three great groups: The ethical calls of goods or aims, the ethical denominated systems formal and the ethical axiolgicas materials. Much people govern her daily life by a behavior that falls within the Hedonstico system, corresponding to a ethics of goods in which the pleasure like the maximum good is considered to which it tends the human nature. Other people take care of a eudomonismo rather, that considers that the aim last of the man it is the happiness (Aristotle); the ethical system of Santo Toms de Aquino is a teocntrico eudomonismo, that it postulates for the man, like last aim, Or the Supreme one, Or the Absolute one, whose possession will be the happiness to which it tends the human being. I believe that the professional ethics, we know as it we handled and it, does not come properly from any of these philosophical systems. Speaking now of the formal systems ethical, most representative and, more important, she is due to Emmanuel Kant, content in his " Critic of the Prctica&quot Reason;.

Our Big Man on Campus

A big change has come over our house in recent weeks since we packed Son #1 off to college. It’s changed the whole dynamic of the household to have “only” three kids around and we’re all still adjusting to it. He isn’t too far away, about a five hour drive, but far enough that he hasn’t come home yet since his departure.

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Work is Getting Quieter

We are reaching the end of the summer rush at the store. Most people who have plans to travel, go hiking, mountaineering, or kayaking, have now equipped themselves and the store’s been quite quiet for a couple of weeks.

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Nice Day With the Family

Had a very nice day out with the kids yesterday. As always, it took us a little while to get out of the house. Making sure that everyone has a book to read in the car, that we have some CDs that we all can agree on (or at least some CDs that nobody will actually rip out of the CD player and throw out of the window in a fit of extreme irritation — not that I’d know anything about that) that we had sweaters in case it turns out to be a cold day, that we have some suntan lotion in case it turns out to be a hot day etc etc…

No, that wasn’t the fun bit.

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Children and Their Summer Plans

Through the next few days, we do need to spend some time making sure the kids have something to do between camps. One of the day camps was very short-term, and the other one doesn’t start until after the weekend, so we have a few kids on our hands with nothing much to do. It’ll take a little shuffling of both my schedule and my wife’s schedule in order to make sure that somebody is at home for much of the day.

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She Who Must Be Obeyed

Now that I’ve introduced the children, I should tell you a little about my wife. No trouble at all coming up with the name for her; I’m a big fan of John Mortimer’s Rumpole books, in which Horace Rumpole, the distinguished lawyer, refers to his wife as She Who Must Be Obeyed. I believe that Rumpole is quoting H. Rider Haggard’s story, She. So from here on in, my wife will be referred to similarly, as She Who Must Be Obeyed.

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We Had a Tough Time Naming Our Kids

I decided that it’s okay to talk about our family but just not to use names. So let me introduce you to my kids; number one, number two, number three, and of course number four.

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I’m NOT Heading For Botswana

I had an unusual experience in the store today. Usually our customers spend a couple of hundred dollars; a pair of boots, a tent, a good-quality backpack, that kind of thing. Today we had a couple come in who ended up spending over $6,000. They are heading for Botswana next month and they planned to travel around for the next year in southern Africa. I guess they’re starting in Botswana, partly because of that series of books, The Number One Ladies Detective Agency, which was based there.

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