CNN Time

Many increased their fortunes dramatically during these times. But not only the rich richer became many citizens comunesencontraron how to not only survive, but also thrive during a poor economy. For example, Donald Trump was interviewed last week in CNN and said: this is a great time to earn money. There are many opportunities available out there. He mentioned that he was worried (that you could not prevent it), but he said: is a great time to make money. PAY ATTENTION TO THE OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE THERE OUTSIDE.

This is the time to think and act differently, the moment of trust that you can do it also. This is the time to do what he most loves. Let your passion guide you. Follow the instinct of their guts rather than his intellect, because, no matter how many university degrees or money you have, your intellect knows nothing. ners. In fact, is its intellect who buys the news. We are always choosing! Most of the time we do it unconsciously, but always we are choosing. We can choose to buy what we sell, choose view us as victims and think: Pobre de Mi.

Look what we are doing, or choose to be aware and accept 100% responsibility. Do you know?, what we call the problem isn’t really the problem. The real problem is how we react to problems. How wonderful to be aware that we are 100% responsible for offers the possibility to make better decisions. It depends on us change things by choosing differently. 100% liability gives us freedom. If you think so, you can change it. So I begin to create their own reality, not the one that you believe that you should buy. Did you know that you can do that the business of the news end up without business? Yes, the news is a business. They are not a public service.