Central Conscience

We have thus, the states of emotions occurring> in the level of the Proto-Self; the feeling states occurring in the level of the Central Conscience and the conscientious become states of feeling occurring in the level of the Extended Conscience. Inside of this panorama the handle-corporal one has crucial function in such a way for emotions how much for aspects of decision taking, that is, rational abilities. For Damsio the marker-somatic alacorprea or is the responsible mechanism for the detention of the changes of the homostasis that occur in corporal level. Such changes are detonated by perceptuais processes in the integration of organism with way and at the same time that they modify the corporeal homeosttico balance also modifies the cerebral functioning and vice versa in a dynamic and continuous process forming a handle of action between body and neuronal system, in special with the regions that form the Proto-self. In this direction the emotion, as already placed above, is before everything a corporeal process. Already the feelings are processes that englobam . Damsio describes this process in 5 stages: 1.

Drive of the organism for an emotion inductor, for example, determined processed object visually, resulting in visual representations of the object. ( of these events. The changes in proto-self also are mapeadas in neural structures of second order. Damsio (2000). Armed of this brief panorama on the concepts of conscience, handle-corporal, emotions and feelings considered for Damsio, we can now reconsider the mechanisms of Induction of emotion presented by Juslin and Vstfjll. 5 Mechanisms of Induction of Emotion in a corporal perspective Initially, we go to consider the first mechanism presented for Juslin and Vstfjll: the consequences of the Cerebral Trunk. As the proper authors affirm in its text, consequences of the cerebral trunk are unchained from the detention of brusque changes of sonorous parameters, mainly of intensity.

Capital Agencies

Thus bringing, a bigger independence of the agent of trips to initiate the process of sales of a tourist package, with offered information way Internet, so that this can define which the focus to be developed for the success of the trip, together with its customer. EXECUTION the intervention proposal was programmed to be applied during the period of two months, in the following way: 1.Levantamento of the agents of trips that more vendem the products of the company in the Capital and Region Metropolitan, and that still they offer some resistance in using the tools on-line that the Operator offers; 2.Agendamento of the visits; 3.Visitao the travel agencies of the Capital and Region Metropolitan and presentation of the web-site; 4. Training recognition of the products that the company vende; 5.Manuteno of the applied training, practised for the commercial sector; 6.Balano of the results of the applied training. FINAL CONSIDERAES With an approach of the agents of trips with the company, through the Internet, can promote an increase in the search of the same one in the measure that the agent of trips goes if feeling safe in the use of the site, looking for the tool as a facilitador of its work, mainly at the moment of the fast quotation with its customer who is seated its front. Aiming at a fast return in the sales processes, increasing in such a way the profitability, beyond going in search of a fidelizao of the travel agencies, strengthening the mark company in the State and conquering space enters the operators preferred for the agents of trips. Through this study, the company will be repassed a proposal of accomplishment of meetings and meeting with its main customers of the Capital and Region Metropolitan, searching a fidelizao of these customers, offering a training with useful tips of better exploitation of the web-site.

This work made in partnership with the agencies of trips will have to improve the commercial relations and in such a way to characterize the work of the agent of trips how much of the attendance in the operator, that together will be able to characterize people and thus to fortify the market of tourist work, making possible the growth and the evolution in the activity in accordance with the necessity of THEORETICAL market REFERENCIAL CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. Administration in the new times. 2. Ed. Rio De Janeiro: Publishing company Campus. 2000. CHIAVENATO, Idalberto.

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