Photoshop Magazine

.psd Photoshop everything about digital imaging short about .psd Photoshop: .psd Photoshop is a magazine related to digital photo editing. Our focus areas are: uses of Photoshop, as well as computer graphics, Web design and advertising image. The magazine told both amateurs and professionals. Our readers include digital photographers, computer graphic designers, Web designers, programmers, and printmaker. the step-by step of tutorials gives .psd Photoshop learning through publication. From the tutorials, you will learn how you edited the images, create photo montages, produces different effects, and uses Photoshop for Web design.

Always CD is included with the booklet, which contains royalty free images, video training, and test versions of graphical programs. In the current issue of the magazine – perfect body styling (6/2009) – you will find: aesthetical back – aim of the work was the aesthetic / athletic back in a beautiful but unusual form to present. Light and color enhance – the author shows, such as one based on the different image examples can enhance light and color. Black and white magic – the most famous and also most impressive landscape photos are black and white recordings worldwide. In this article, you will learn how you can do this by using Photoshop. Pirate – the author presents how does a nice retouching.

Antique portrait – this tutorial demonstrates how to create an image with an old character. Funk agenda – the Photoshop tools allow us to to experiment outside of a particular topic. The author presents how to reach correct decibels on the image. Passionate colors – with Photoshop you can create also a great background, in this article, you can learn a simple but effective technique. Simple life – in this tutorial, get some tips to perspectives, crisp colors, burn and Dodge, powerful structures and vignettes. Lost in these feelings – the author presents how to create a mixture of symbols and farblichen accents. Big pictures: Genuine Fractals and blow You can make pictures richig big up 2 – how. In this article you will be familiar with a new technique. On the CD: Video-training – VTC training software for creating special effects in Adobe Photoshop royality free photos 50 royality free photos by Panther media – 6 royality free photos of FinFand – 25 royality free photos from Stockvault – 7 royality free photos by inside graphics – 29 royality free photos of plugs ‘N pixels – 15 royality free photos of Turbo Photo – .psd Photoshop source files is a two month magazine, it is available in stores or at Price and availability: The .psd Photoshop Magazine you can buy in the shops. .Psd Photoshop via fax, you can: 0048 22 244 24 59 phone: 0048 22 427 32 83 e-mail: order. Price: Subscription: 6 issues a year for only 39 trial: 3 issues for 19, 90 PDF subscription for 19, 90 title: .psd Photoshop Editor : SOFTWARE PRESS Sp.z o. o. SK Bserka 1, 02-682 Warszawa, Poland E-mail: de Tel. + 48 22 427 36 55 fax + 48 22 244 24 59