Screen Size

This element screen size is most visible when designing for mobile. Let us consider that the resolution is very varied, from the 96 65 pixels up to 800 480 devices. Why our design must be fluid, i.e. that adapts to any resolution, so we must use percentages instead of fixed dimensions. Also we should consider that it has unlike a computer, a mobile screen tends to be more elongated, is why that page layout must accommodate this fact. Instead of having the items horizontally we must do this vertically.

Limitations of memory the memory of a mobile device is considerably less than that you have in a regular PC. If our website is heavy most likely device on pass their ability and it is hanging, therefore is critical to consider this item, because if overlook it simply our page will not work. The recommended size for a page is 7782 bytes absence of mouse, instead use intensive keyboard or touch screens. The interaction between the user and the device is very different with respect to the computer. Keyboard is mainly used in mobile devices, we also have other peripherals such as touchscreens and joystick. It is essential to implement keyboard shortcuts, to facilitate the usability of the page. Do we can use for this: < accesskey = 1? rel = nofollow onclick = javascript:_gaq. push(“_trackPageview”, “/outgoing/article_exit_link”); href = # > Link uses a wireless network and cost of the mobile devices navigation sail using a wireless network, which offers mobility, but is still inestrable, insecure and expensive.

Generally operators offer Internet service, with plans that are based on the amount of data transferred rather than the time that is used. Why must try to reduce the number of pages and steps to reach the information exploit characteristics of mobile devices so far We’ve talked about the complications that involves designing for mobile devices, but we must take into account that there are great advantages. For this reason we must not confine ourselves to adapt the presentation of our website must exploit its virtues, Geolocation, orientation sensitivity, availability of camera, access from anywhere, increasing attention, etc. Recommended reading: BlackBerry Browser 4.6.