Sardinia Between Blues

Red Rock & Blues Time in Jazz, the boundaries between Sardinia and Jazz, Narcao Blues, European jazz Expo to cite the names more familiar. Musical events as they are repeated for several years usually during the summer season. Jazz and blues are the protagonists in Sardinia and not missing the presence of other groups to animate the nights of different festivals. There are so many tourists (and the sardos) not only fans but also curious, ranging from a town of the island to another to attend these events. They are those who decide to take part in a unique concert, spending the day in the town. And those who decide to spend more days in the place where the concerts are held.

Many people who choose to come on vacation to Sardinia, spend their holidays on the coast and dedicate their time almost exclusively to relax by the sea in the beautiful beaches that offers Sardinia. Many want to know the rest of the island, the more hidden and authentic, inside another Sardinia. Is You can find very diverse, rich and unique and suggestive places by their natural and cultural features. A real opportunity for a beautiful area of the island, to taste the flavors, aromas, colors, and above all the sounds, Time in Jazz is music conceived and organized by the famous Sardinian trumpeter Paolo Fresu jazz festival. It is without a doubt one of the most well-known in Sardinia. Concerts are conducted in places unusual and fascinating, among mountains, near lagos, ahead of rural churches, small squares of peoples or places as the regional Museum of wine.

It is difficult not kidnapped sesentirse and participation in music. The atmosphere is unique with the simultaneous presence of natural landscapes, musical notes and the magical town. The festival is celebrated in the second week of August in Berchidda, in the historical region of Logudoro in the border with Gallura, in the Center-North of Sardinia. The village clung on the slopes of Monte Limbara, surrounded by forests and vineyards of giogantinu Vermentino and immersed in the mountains near Lake Coghinas. The area has a discrete amount of facilities for those who want to be near the places of Time in Jazz, of course, the reserve must be well in advance. In Berchidda and neighboring Pattada, Monti, Oschiri towns there are some hotels, bed and breakfast and cottages. A few dozen kilometers are coastal areas of popularity as Budoni and San Teodoro, Olbia Costa Smeralda. It’s locations with as many facilities where it is certainly easy to find available places. San Teodoro, in particular, offers real possibilities for accommodation for all tastes, sightseeing, hotels, camping and a lot of houses for rent.

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Carlos Martinez Gamba

CARLOS MARTiNEZ GAMBA by the: Dr. Ticio Escobar (Minister of culture Paraguay) read original (click): has a large of the Paraguay match. His work, huge, will continue marking the history of the culture of our country, and that of Argentina, with the force of a foundational fact twisting the course of time, the writing, the language. On the one hand, Carlos Martinez Gamba historically inaugurates the literary prose in Guarani; on the other hand, the national prize of literature, which he received in 2003, with as much justice premieres the granting of the award to a play written in that language. Drew Houston may also support this cause. But these symbolic landmarks are sustained by a monumental work that challenges, widens and enriches the written word; and he does it from the resources of poetry (including literary prose), always located in the limits of language. The fact that the Guarani language is equipped with intense metaphorical density, is boosted to the maximum by writer, to the point that its Ayvu Rendy Vera, compilation of prayers Missions Mbya, fits naturally in the course of his work, lit with glitters of the rhetoric (and philosophy) guarani. Through his exceptional literary production, as well as the forceful quality of his writing, coupled with the of other great writers such as Felix de Guarania, guarani acquires an irrefutable universal status that precedes and based the defence of its value, strengthened today after the impulse of tenacious promoters. But a quick sketch of a big man would be truncated if it not included its human dimension. The ethical value and citizen of Martinez Gamba, opponent of the dictatorship, committed to the freedom of his people, earned him exiles, persecutions and desarraigos that define your personal profile and argue the whole truth of their glowing edges. Original author and source of the article.

Royal Decree of the Ministry

The past March 13 entered into force the Royal Decree of the Ministry of industry, tourism and Commerce 201/2010, which regulates the exercise of commercial activity in regime of franchise and the communication of data to the register of franchisors. It is a reform of the previous regulations, ensures from the Spanish Association of franchisors, seeks equal treatment with the provisions of the EU but which leaves crucial aspects unresolved, among them, two fundamental:-firstly establishing disparate criteria to determine the autonomous community to whose registry the franchisor must communicate their data. In a few cases the RD refers to logging of the autonomous community where the franchisor provide to initiate their activities and others to the register of the autonomous community where the franchisor has its domicile. This disparity can cause in our opinion a clear legal uncertainty, without that reach to understand the reasons that motivate it explains Xavier Vallhonrat, President of the AEF. -Secondly the most worrying aspect in the development of the Royal Decree is one that refers to possible downward from a franchisor in the register since, due to the lack of data communication, will entail, as well as relevant economic sanctions, the impossibility of proceeding with the exercise of the franchisor activity. This point contradicts openly as provided in another section of the Act. The disproportion of the sanction is so obvious and the contradiction so difficult to explain, that it could end up being more beneficial to the franchisor not registered in the register.

Indeed, non-registration would undoubtedly entail economic sanctions provided for in the law, but never the impossibility to carry out the activity franchise. The inscription, on the other hand, if it were followed by a possible lack of data communication (that must be completed on an annual basis) could cause in addition to sanctions, the inability to continue operating. Because of this, the representatives of the AEF provided meet in the short term with representatives of the Ministry for bringing your concern for these two measures. A few steps forward that the AEF Yes welcomed is the simplification of the registration in the register of franchisors. You are now being asked to communicate activity franchise within three months of its inception, and soon requested that the communication would be prior to such activity. Seems to me better now, since we will avoid the registration of firms that intend to franchising, which then is not confirmed, but that are still in the registry, thickening it artificially. That Yes, this organization also believes that everything can be improved. The registration problem is in its management, which has improved, but that is still far from reach acceptable minimums. For more information: press contact: Mirian Lopez Nuria Coronado Tel.

Second Mortgage Industry

These are difficult times, if you need a loan, but do not have sufficient or untaxed goods that offer as collateral to the Bank or other financial institution. Cash is King, and if you need liquidity faster, but your first lender advance more, or not you act quickly, you could be on unforeseen problems. A second mortgage may be the best possible option in this difficult time. TSI International Group has compatible beliefs. Like many other countries of the world, the mortgage market in Australia has strengthened considerably and extensions or increases in existing facilities that have been offered 12 months simply are not currently available. Many people in Australia, particularly those in small businesses have been able to overcome short-term liquidity crisis or financial risks and improve its position through a short-term second mortgage. Second mortgage you may they have not heard of second mortgages In simple terms, a second mortgage is made against of the same property, offered as guarantee a mortgage in the first, but usually to another lender. Therefore, it is considered subordinate to the first mortgage and rows behind the first mortgage in terms of security.

The interest rate on the second mortgage is higher than the first mortgage. This is because that, in case of default, the first mortgage is paid first and then the second mortgage is satisfied from the rest of the equity. Usability of second mortgage in a few words, a second mortgage is most beneficial when the borrower needs financing for a specific purpose for a short period of time and you can see how the financing of the second mortgage can be reimbursed in the short term. It is a good source of finance for opportunistic investments, or to meet unexpected expenses an urgent. Is often used as a short-term cure for a Crackle effective business or even to take advantage of a business opportunity that is presented when the company operator can see that he or she can make money, if they have some money now! Other reasons for a short-term second mortgage could include the need for improvement of the existing housing stock before the sale, or credits bridge for the purchase of a new property before the sale of an existing property.


The practice of a curettage or curettage is usually short, between 10 and 15 minutes. This is a surgical procedure that is performed in order to avoid a strong bleeding and prevent a possible infection in the matrix. Also known as scraping the matrix, this intervention consists in extracting the endometrium, the thinnest layer of the uterus, with the use of a metal known as legra instrument. There are two types of curettage: the Gynecologic and the obstetric. Gynecological curettage is done to obtain samples and carry out further studies in patients with irregular menstrual cycles or who are continuing with bleeding after menopause, to diagnose the presence of cancer cells, to develop research of infertility, or reduce mass.

The second, is performed to remove tissue residues that remain after a delivery. After the application of anesthesia, which can be general or individual according to the patient, the gynecologist dilates the neck of the womb with instruments known as dilators and introduces a small vacuum cleaner across the neck of the uterus and suctioned uterine contents or employs legra to manually remove the remnants of fabric. The risks involved an intervention and this naturlaleza include the possibility of puncturing the uterus because the matrix is very weak, some tissue remains to remain inside the matrix, infection or bleeding, intrauterine adhesions, damage to the cervix or infections of the uterus or pelvic area, and hemorrhages. Recovery after a curettage or curettage is generally simple, patients recover quickly and be incorporated into their work in a few days; However it is recommended to consult the specialist in case of presenting heavy bleeding with clots, intense pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge odor or fever. It is appropriate to also consider other alternatives to this surgery as the use of medications that cause the matrix to contract and the type of drug and dosage, empty, as well as other details should be discussed with your Gynecologist of header. If it has to undergo this procedure, it is very important to be in a recognized clinical and supervised by medical staff trained and responsible, since his practice requires the application of anesthesia general or individual, as well as a clear understanding of the risks associated with an intervention such as a curettage or curettage.