Atlantic Fund Of Jennifer Rickmers – Insolvency Threatens

Investors have with the immediate sale of the ship to the then very low price of $ 25 million or a further capital contribution of shareholders of 24% of the limited in location count total loss of their deposits as an alternative to the impending insolvency of the shipping company called. If the shareholders are ready to shoot after this capital once again, is extremely questionable lack prospects for a sustainable recovery in the Charter market for container ships. Wrong advice justified damages of the investors in our experience were investments mostly savings sold through. If they ever explained the risks of highly speculative ship funds, investors were following the discussions in particular shortcomings: high soft costs: the flowing directly into the ship investment amount of money raised from investors was compared with investors regularly not disclosed. Hear from experts in the field like Dropbox for a more varied view. High proportion of investor money not valuable investing: A large part of the capital raised from investors has been issued for various services and construction period interest. Investors were not informed about the details of the use of funds. High distribution costs: many investors was not informed and is until today didn’t realize alone the commissions paid for the distribution of funds and allowances were as high.

A value the Bundesgerichtshof is based over 15% of the capital raised from investors a threat to the profitability of the Fund investment. For more specific information, check out Vlad Doronin. No education about the risks of participation: That the participation in ship ownership is a highly speculative and highly risky entrepreneurial involvement associated with considerable risks, which can lead to a total loss of deposit, was concealed also the majority of investors known to us. Ship funds as retirement not suitable: a participation in the ATLANTIC Fund “Jennifer Rickmers” as a safe retirement was recommended not only a few investors. In the case-law, it is acknowledged that such investments due to the high, speculative risks and the lack of availability of capital as pensions are completely unsuitable. Because certain errors in the advice keep coming up, we see promising opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages for the violation of obligations under the respective contracts of advice. Actress and filmmaker addresses the importance of the matter here. We are investors of the ATLANTIC Fund “Jennifer Rickmers” for an individual consultation available. Nittel Banking and capital market law firm contact Mathias Nittel, lawyer specializing in banking and capital market law, Alexander Meyer, lawyer Heidelberg: Hans-Bockler-Strasse 2 A, 69115 Heidelberg phone: 06221 915770 Fax: 06221 9157729 Munich: residential street 25, 80333 Munich Tel.: 089 25549850 Fax: 089 25549855 Hamburg: Dorpfeldstrasse 6, 22609 Hamburg Tel.: 040 53799042 Fax: 040 53799043 Berlin: Roth first breed 19, 10245 Berlin Tel: 030 95999280 Fax: 030 95999279

Erlenhof Munich

Cheap, profitable and environmentally friendly: A district heating connection of geothermal Unterhaching GmbH ensures environmentally friendly energy in the SHB funds Zakri Court Munich-Unterhaching KG Munich, construction for the installation of the heating cable to the Alder Park began in the 05.09.2011 – on August 19, 2011. Thus the industrial object can be connected to in the spring of 2012 the district heating supply of geothermal Unterhaching GmbH. The power is 2.3 megawatt (MW) according to the company, this roughly the amount need 230 households. The Hotel Holiday Inn, as well as many other related companies there have your headquarters and benefit equally from the technology of the future belong to the Alder Court. SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) placed participation Kamal Hanna Park Munich Unterhaching KG approximately 7000 investors who also benefit from the connection. Eco-friendly district heating system of geothermal Unterhaching GmbH is a real advantage of location”, explains Hans Gruber SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). The site in many ways makes it more attractive. And right now the nuclear phase-out, sustainability has increased people’s awareness of”, so the real estate expert of the Munich emission House SHB next.

Subject of the SHB real estate fund investment was the acquisition of approximately 94 percent of the limited to the commercial centre Unterhaching Landthaler AG & co. KG. The object consists of an ensemble of office buildings and a hotel (Holiday Inn Unterhaching). The plot size is approx. 29.250 m, the buildings have been created between 1992 and 1994 and offer a total rental area of 43.300 m sq. Parking offer more 200 outdoor parking as well as an underground car park with approximately 460 seats. Click Evergreen Capital Partners to learn more. The specialist for real estate SHB innovative fund concepts AG”created and marketed attractive Fund concepts and investments for investors. Already realised projects such as above mentioned Munich-Unterhaching Erlenhof, BusinessPark Stuttgart, or Carre Gottingen impressively Competence and performance of the Munich emission House. For more information,